Monday, November 5, 2018

Advantages of fleet tracking

  1. Reduce Insurance Cost - It costs a pretty penny to insurance a fleet of company cars, particularly when it’s your core business model. But when you install a GPS tracking system in your fleet, it greatly improves the safety of the vehicles and drivers, and as a result, can lead to significant reduction in insurance premiums.
  2. Locate Your Vehicles - Businesses can benefit in many ways from using FleetGO tracking to monitor where their vehicles are at all times. For instance, they’re able to inform customers of arrival or delivery times, record and improve driver behaviour, and ensure that none of the vehicles are used for anything other than company business. Not to mention loss of vehicles through theft almost certainly becomes a thing of the past.
  3. Improve Safety - Greater tracking always means greater safety. And when it comes to getting your drivers, goods, and vehicles where they need to be safely, this could not be more true. Should there be a problem on the road, drivers can instantly call for help and another vehicle will be sent to the exact location they’re at. The result is much less downtime and much more time spent on moving forward.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Advantages of FleetGO GPS Tracking system for Fleet Management

A global positioning satellite (GPS) tracking system can streamline your fleet management duties by making your shipments more reliable and your trucks safer with FleetGO. Having GPS is like being in the vehicle with the driver. The ability to monitor each truck in your fleet cuts back on unnecessary costs and saves you money. Customers expect instant gratification these days. They want faster shipping, speedier delivery, real-time tracking data and numerous other custom options like package forwarding or holding their packages while they are out of town.

You might think that a GPS tracking system is only for big companies with massive fleets. However, scalable packages are available for small to mid-sized companies. The same benefits that large companies receive can be enjoyed by other firms regardless of size. Companies that are involved in corporate fleet leasing are convinced that using GPS has benefits that radiate across their bottom line.

Here are some of the best benefits that GPS tracking systems offer.
  • When drivers know that they are being monitored, they tend to drive more safely. However, if they have a breakdown or are involved in an accident, the fleet manager knows right where the vehicle is and can send a roadside assistance team to help the stranded driver.
  • In the unlikely event that a fleet vehicle is stolen or hijacked, the GPS tracking system will notice that the vehicle has deviated from its expected route. The truck’s location can be pinpointed, and the authorities can recover it quickly. Sometimes, the freight can be saved and the vehicle can be retrieved before it suffers any damage from the thieves.
  • Fleet managers can choose routes that will result in the most efficient gas usage. The GPS will also enable the manager to check to see if a driver tends to drive too fast, idles for an extended amount of time or uses the vehicle for unauthorized purposes. Monitoring drivers has an immediately noticeable effect on their driving. They know that racing the motor and idling the engine for a long while wastes quite a bit of gas.
  • A GPS system reduces operating costs in other ways. It monitors how many hours per day the driver actually drives. It analyzes the routes used by the drivers and searches for ways to make the route more efficient. If a driver goes 45 minutes off course to visit his girlfriend, the GPS system will let the fleet manager know.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Vehicle Tracking Systems Why You Should Go For FLEET GO?

·         Why FLEET GO tracking software? As there are many companies who make these vehicle tracking systems but why you should go for FLEET GO? Following are the reasons you should go for FLEET GO

·         The Real-time location of your vehicles can be tracked with the GPS Gateway tracker.
·         The speed of the vehicle can be regularly tracked to ensure the vehicle safety and maintenance.
·         Reports in the graphs which are easy to understand and implement in the business.
·         Alerts in the form of SMS /EMAIL can be received from the GPS Gateway tracker in activities.
·         A user-friendly application which works on android and ios platform to track your vehicles on the go.

·         All activity reports can be stored into the device through the data received through the GPS Gateway tracker.
·         An SMS can be sent to stop the vehicle in case of any theft.

      A virtual boundary in terms of fencing can be created and alerts can be sent when your vehicles enter or leave a particular area/locality. fleet tracking uk.

Monday, August 20, 2018

The Smart FleetGO Mileage Tracking System

The smart FleetGO control unit registers all movement and vehicle activity and keeps a log of all trips, routes and locations visited. All trips and routes are displayed in clear and easy to browse lists and every trip can be viewed in detail, with an unlimited history. And thanks to the many settings and reports, the triplog is fully compliant with local fiscal legislation.

Why Mileage Tracking?
Keeping a detailed record of all trips, business or private, can be very complex and time-consuming. Keeping a manual record of multiple vehicles and drivers often is impossible. But every company needs it. Both for reimbursement and tax purposes. FleetGO makes mileage registration easy and reduces the risk of legal fines. Every mile is automatically tracked by our smart GPS black box, enabling you to keep a tax compliant and detailed trip log. In our platform, you will be able to generate reports based on mileage per selected period. The mileage dashboard shows you comprehensible mileage information in one glance.

Mileage Tracking Features :-

Detailed Reports & Triplog- The smart FleetGO control unit registers all movement and vehicle activity and keeps a log of all trips, routes and locations visited. All trips and routes are displayed in clear and easy to browse lists and every trip can be viewed in detail, with an unlimited history. And thanks to the many settings and reports, the triplog is fully compliant with local tax regulations.

A Leading Telematics Company

As a tech company we want to offer the world an easy to use, affordable and manufacturer independent telematics system. Our lightweight and highly standardized solutions will empower the fleet owners and managers to gain more control over their vehicles and drivers.